When you’re sheltered in place for 50 (YES, FIFTY) days in a row it’s a struggle to even care if you look homeless. Who’s gonna’ know anyway? And if they would care… who needs those kind of people? Not me!
So Monday, my flooring guy is coming here and I don’t care if he wears a mask. I’ll stay 6 feet from him, but to keep Merida safe, he better be here. Every single time I look at her latest destructive act, I get mad all over again.

Peep her laying on the treadmill acting all innocent — like she’s just walked 5 miles and doesn’t have excess energy to chew up floors.

Quick stats as of 1:50 PM ET 4/25/2020 (day #50 of isolation for me)
108 cases in Jackson County (up 8 since yesterday – 0 deaths)
14,395 cases in Indiana (up 718 since yesterday)
785 Deaths in Indiana (new 44)
924,576 cases in America (up 52,454 since yesterday)
Wood Flooring – 0 : Merida – 1