The very second the World Health Organization uttered the word “pandemic,” our business (events) came to a screeching halt. All events were put on hold as business leaders grasped for information and scrambled to figure out a plan. Not one of our clients wanted to talk about doing anything virtually. We stopped all marketing.
Any event — no matter how large or how important — was near or at the bottom of the priority list for every company in the US and beyond.
I’ve noticed within the past week, companies now seem to have practices in place (if possible) that function. And, they’re realizing they need to bring content to their people to help them navigate this phase of conducting business. My phone is ringing again. Nothing close to the level we were performing, but not flat-lined anymore either.
Merida makes up for the downtime I could have. Today, I opened the window to let in a little fresh air and she figured she could just push that screen out and play in the yard.

Quick stats as of 8:30 PM ET 4/27/2020 (day #52 of isolation for me)
118 cases in Jackson County (up 4 since yesterday – 0 deaths)
15,961 cases in Indiana (up 963 since yesterday)
844 Deaths in Indiana (new 31)
987,022 cases in America (up 23,854 since yesterday)
Merida – 1 : Screen – 0
The daily growth number in Jackson County remains about the same (under 10 per day usually), but the number of cases in Indiana seems to be going up by a greater number each day. Almost 5,000 cases just in Marion County (Indianapolis) alone.
I’m still hangin’ out here at home. 🙂