Every night, 10:00 PM rolls around and I wish for something to DO — anything that might hold my attention. ANYTHING so I don’t have to go to bed. It’s not like I don’t need to sleep… I know without a doubt the dogs will get me up early to satisfy their food obsession. Are y’all like that too?
A couple days ago, my favorite brother hosted a guest, author of “Limitless,” Laura Gassner Otting, on his daily distinction live show (you can watch it here). She said:
This is NOT a new normal, just a temporary detour.
I like that. If I thought this was truly the “new normal,” I’d never get any sleep!
With this temporary detour, we’ve found new ways to communicate around here. The new Amazon Echo Show (there’s a 5″ and an 8″) allows Perry and I to “drop in” with video and audio to yack in real-time. I’d love to do the same with the Pesky Neighbors, but just the thought of getting them set-up gives me a headache.

Latest COVID-19 update for Indiana… Tyson Foods in Logansport (they process pork and not chicken) is struggling with Trump’s executive order to reopen meat processing plants. They had 890 people (of the 2200 employed) test positive for the corona virus in less than ONE WEEK. They expect the numbers to climb even higher. Read more here…
Quick stats as of 8:30 PM ET 4/30/2020 (day #55 of isolation for me)
138 cases in Jackson County (up 10 since yesterday – 0 deaths)
17,835 cases in Indiana (up 669 since yesterday)
1,007 Deaths in Indiana (new 34)
1,046,022 cases in America (up 11,138 since yesterday)
New dog bed – 0 : Merida – 1
TIL (today I learned): The skin of a honey badger is so thick that it can withstand multiple machete blows, arrows, and spears. The only sure way to kill one is via a club to the skull or gunshot. Click for the article…