The governor’s upbeat announcement to open up Indiana by July 4th motivated the masses to get fast food this weekend. A police officer was directing traffic at McDonalds in Seymour… seriously.
Perry’s off for the weekend so I’ll have some human interaction for a couple days. Sort of… he sleeps all day and I’m on the downward slope by the time he wakes up. Still, it’s better than nothing. Most of the time…

Jimmy Buffetta hurricanethe coronavirus doesn’t leave you dead
It will make you strong
Don’t try to explain it just nod your head
Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On
Quick stats as of 6:00 PM ET 5/2/2020 (day #57 of isolation for me)
163 cases in Jackson County (up 6 since yesterday)
19,295 cases in Indiana (up 676 since yesterday)
1,115 Deaths in Indiana (new 53)
1,091,038 cases in America (up 34,983 since yesterday)
Coco’s stuffed Easter bunny – 0 : Merida – 1
Love the photo memories from my Alexa Show. My Aunt Shirley from a few years ago — standing by a persimmon tree (she made the best persimmon pudding!).

TIL – (today I learned): The teen who sold a kidney for an iPhone is now attached to a dialysis machine. He suffered organ failure, and is likely to be bedridden for life after suffering renal deficiency. Read the article here…