i went mia again!

Jun 19, 2020

Haven’t posted in a few days, I know. I’ve thought about things I wanted to talk about but just wasn’t motivated enough to make it happen. But today… TODAY… is my mama’s birthday! She’s 49 again.

happy birthday Mom!

And today is the day Merida comes home from boot camp. That means, it’s Dharma’s last day of peace and quiet.

Merida has been working hard to be a better puppy — at least that’s what they’ve been telling me. We’ll see how much the boot camp princess retains once she’s back home today.

boot camp queen

TIL (today I learned): A guide dog named Roselle led a group of people including her blind owner down 78 flights of stairs before the North Tower collapsed on 9/11. She only stopped to give kisses to a woman who was having a panic attack. Read more… (For the record, she was a lab too!)