so very tired of all the drama

Jun 23, 2020

COVID-19 is bad. Racism is bad. Riots and looting… they are bad too. The Democrat and Republican political war is bad. The media? Definitely bad. People out of work and low on money is bad. Social media platforms ensure we know all the bad… and that in turn feeds the bad in so many people.

I’m sick of it all. I’m sure you are too.

Facebook removes Trump campaign ads (see WSJ article here) but this — posted by one of my very own Facebook friends — is okie dokie?

And like things couldn’t get any worse… I can’t go to Disney World.

Life pretty much sucks right now, doesn’t it? The only time it doesn’t suck is when we unplug and unsubscribe from the drama. Life is still good ’round here. 🙂

Dharma loves me.