Merida, at barely 9 months of age, has now learned to turn on the water in the tub. That makes her much smarter than so very many Americans that can’t figure out how important masks are during a pandemic.

Once she gets a decent stream and has water flowing between her toes, she attempts to get Dharma in the tub along with her. Dharma refuses to partake in the activity, but does stand on the sideline to encourage the deviant behavior.

In other news, YouTube TV is raising the monthly cost of their live TV service by $15 bucks a month. That’s a huge jump, (from $50) you guys! It leaves “cutting the cord” people (me included) wondering if it’s worth it and more than a little frustrated. Keep Comedy Central, MTV and those worthless ‘new channel line-ups’, and let me keep my old monthly fee, YouTube.
Sling TV followed up the price jump with a little marketing of their own, stating in email, “We know now is not the time to raise TV prices.” I wasn’t a huge fan of Sling or Hulu + Live TV (which is only a little cheaper), but in light of the increased pricing they may be worth another peek.
And finally, these orange things (flowers? weeds?) are nearly indestructible. I weed eat the suckers down and they’re back in just a few days.

TIL (today I learned): Many believe the earth’s oxygen comes from rain forests. Not true! Phytoplankton (tiny ocean plants) actually contribute 50-80% of the oxygen on earth. Read more here…