Every single person in the medical field that I’ve encountered since the pandemic have all been wearing a mask. Every. Single One. They wear masks because they believe the outcome of the action is beneficial. They have experience and are experts in their respective field. Right?
I’ve been booking a speaker (my favorite one!) for large corporate events for about 16 years now. If you’re a meeting planner and I tell you the speaker needs a lavaliere microphone and the venue needs a sound system, it’s because I believe the outcome of this action is beneficial. And I should know.
Would you call your veterinarian if you thought you were having a heart attack? Or would you maybe call 911 as common sense dictates that action would produce an outcome more beneficial to you?
Now you can make your own call on what you’re willing to do or not do when it comes to wearing or not wearing a mask… and how many freaking times you want to tell everyone about a subject for which YOU are NOT the expert.
In other news, the chaperone lost a hand and that has created a mess of sorts at our place.

All potential suspects claim innocence, but I have a pretty good idea who is guilty…

Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-7.2 (up); Jackson Co – 2.6 (down); Florida 43.6 (up); Nevada – 24.1 (same — but note my brother/sister-in-law have now waited 6 days with no test results)
TIL (today I learned): Paul McCartney was arrested in Japan for bringing 8 oz. of marijuana into the country in 1980. He spent 10 days in jail and was released without charge and immediately deported. Read about the Beatles rule-breaker here…