Today was a pretty crappy day, you guys. Options to complete a last-minute deadline were slim. The optimal solution required more time than we have to work within — and the working solution isn’t as smooth as I would like. So basically, I stressed and spent hours and hours sitting in my computer chair.
But then my phone rang and it was my favorite son. Would I like something from Starbucks? Why yes! Yes, I would! Gimme that quad latte and a new attitude.
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-7.7 (same); Jackson Co – 2.7 (down); Florida 46.4 (up); Nevada – 24.4 (same — but note… my brother/sister-in-law waited over a week for their test results – both are positive for COVID-19)
TIL (today I learned): Princess Elizabeth (now Queen) was the first female member of the Royal Family to join the Armed Services as a full-time active member. She was a mechanic! Read more here…