I’ve been thinking about how the US is currently testing for COVID-19 and the metrics available from those tests. I keep reading that we’re testing more people and that’s why the numbers are going up.
I question that knowing everyone that has any type of procedure is required to have a COVID test. I had VERY LITTLE (as in… near ZERO) exposure chance and was required to test. Wouldn’t that help keep the numbers down?
Still, we’re significantly under the number that John Hopkins says we SHOULD be testing per day (900,000/per) before considering any form of “return to business.”
And, there’s still a shortage of rapid response tests!
My sister-in-law has been so very sick with the virus and after more than a week, she is improving. My brother, who tested positive at the same time, has yet to develop any symptoms. (He still has about a week window where experts say he could get sick.)
If red is bad and green is good… consider your location and risk factors.

Interesting article in the NY Times with the headline, “Sweden has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale.” The Swedish approach was to allow businesses to remain open. Sweden was hailed as a model, but now, its death rate exceeds that of the U.S.
Other articles out there with similar content — all warning that if the US doesn’t go back to square one and lock down, the future doesn’t look so great.
I’m so tired of staying home with little interaction with my family and friends – and I’m sick of being poor.
And on a happier note — I get my stitches out today. Woot!
TIL (today I learned): Weddings that cost more than $20,000 were found to have a higher rate of divorce than less expensive weddings. Although that didn’t apply to me, you can read about it here…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-7.5 (slightly down); Jackson Co – 2.3 (down); Florida 50.5 (up); Nevada – 26 (up)