I was this old when I found out there was…

Jul 28, 2020

I’ve spent my entire life not knowing that a “tomato knife” is a real thing. Not sure what rock I’ve been hiding under, but those pesky neighbors enlightened me. Wow. Just wow!

tomato knife on garden tomatoes

You can order one for yourself right here…

While I’m staying home for the most part — cutting my fresh garden tomatoes like a boss — I’ve noticed even more conflicting information on COVID-19 lately. Another death in Jackson County… and Seymour’s infection rate is higher than that of any other place in the county.

A video clip of Dr. Stella Immanuel, speaking at a controversial “White Coat Summit” on Capitol Hill yesterday, is circulating across social media. She claims the cure (and prevention) is hydroxychloroquine, zinc and zithromax, and her successful treatment of 350 patients backs up her claim. The one thing I heard that’s stuck in my head was her challenge to Fauci, along with other high-ranking democrats, to submit to a blood test to prove they aren’t already using hydroxychloroquine.

Neither Dharma nor Merida have an opinion either way but would prefer that I get up and fix them breakfast.

Dharma and Merida want breakfast

Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-12.3 (down slightly); Jackson Co – 7.4 (up); Florida 49.1 (down but still topping as the worst of the worst); Nevada – 32.8 (down — sister-in-law STILL hasn’t received test results in almost 2 weeks)

TIL (today I learned): Walt Disney was given a special Oscar for ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ in 1939. It consisted of one standard Oscar statuette and 7 other smaller ones representing the seven dwarfs. Read about it here…