even my yard is protesting

Jul 29, 2020

Typically in southern Indiana, yards must be mowed a couple times a week in the spring to stay looking nice. Later in the summer, once a week is enough as the grass simply doesn’t grow as fast. Here it is, almost the end of July and my yard is acting like it’s still early June! What change is my grass expecting by protesting?

I mowed yesterday, a mere 6 days after the last cut. The push mower bogged down in the back yard and my rider threw so much grass in the front yard I really need a hay baler. Mowing yet again tomorrow would clean things up but… it’s supposed to rain. Protest on, yard! That’s obviously how attention is garnered in 2020.

yard under protest

Merida has this thing she does for attention… she gets whatever she thinks she’s not supposed to have, runs with it, and then stops to taunt me. Her new thing is masks.

This dog opens drawers to get what she thinks will get a rise from me. Because she’s currently all about masks, I keep an old one (Mom’s first prototype that’s nearly impossible to breathe in) in an easy access drawer just for Merida to steal.

Merida and her mask

Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-12.1 (down slightly); Jackson Co – 6.5 (down); Florida 48.1 (down but still topping as the worst of the worst); Nevada – 33 (up — sister-in-law STILL hasn’t received test results)

TIL (today I learned): Thomas Edison would hire thugs to destroy movie sets because he felt that he owned the rights to any and all film made since he filed the first patent for the motion picture camera. More here…