night shift ages you in dog years

Jul 31, 2020

Perry’s last 3rd shift was last night. That was his routine for the past 9 months and he swears it’s true that night shift ages you in dog years. What a whiner! I would still be older. 🙄 

I took Katie for her follow-up surgery appointment today (where I was so bored I took a photo of a shrub and shared it with you) and almost had a flashback. It’s the same location where I went over and over again… until I had my back surgery — Ortho Indy South in Greenwood.

Ortho Indy South in Greenwood

It’s crazy how different things are with the pandemic especially when it comes to health care facilities. If you’re taking someone, you can’t go inside and simply sit in the car. But here’s what’s funny — the parking lot had cars parked in all lots — but no one parked next to anyone else. Social distancing, I guess. 🙂

Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-12.0 (down slightly); Jackson Co – 8.1 (up); Florida 47.6 (slightly down but still topping as the worst of the worst); Nevada – 32.1 (down – likely because they’re still behind on testing)

TIL (today I learned): Sheep are actually surprisingly intelligent, with impressive memory and recognition skills. They build friendships, stick up for one another in fights, and feel sad when their friends are sent to slaughter. So… if you’re pissed about masks and want to call others “SHEEPOLE” for wearing them (attempting to insinuate that someone is stupid and a blind follower), please read this article…