One-year ago today this black hellion, Merida, came home…

She’s eaten plants and chewed her sister’s ear to the point of drawing blood. She’s made a hole in the hardwood flooring and mangled the bathroom door frame. She tripped me while on a walk where I skinned my knee to the point it looked like hamburger. She’s done so, so many other “bad dog” things I could never mention them all in one post.
After all this — and even knowing more dastardly deeds are in her future — I still love her and am happy we picked her to be part of our lives. She definitely keeps my COVID days entertaining. And busy. 🙂
How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-97.2 (UP); Jackson Co – 90.8 (slightly down); Florida 35.2 (up); Nevada – 57.8 (down .1)
TIL (Today I Learned):Â People who drive the Oscar Mayer Wienermobiles are called Hotdoggers. Only college seniors who are about to graduate are eligible to earn the title and drive one of the 6. Everything you ever wanted to know about the Wienermobile…