I’m surrounded by neighbors plotting against me. Their attempt to wear me down by not allowing sleep is working to their advantage.
How DARE the neighbors behind me to get a dog! All I know about this new community critter is that it’s white and its presence makes my dogs bark. Dharma doesn’t appreciate those white feet or that white nose poking under the fence. It’s like whack-a-mole! I’ve not yet seen blood but that is a future possibility.
Even this little guy was giving me the stink eye even though I’m in my own house…

And my neighbor to the north… how DARE he be friendly with the postman at 7:00 AM! My Nest doorbell camera alerted me to front door movement and sound this morning, but the dogs went bat-shit crazy when they heard voices right outside the door.

But there was a BONUS! Their entire conversation was captured by Nest…
I learned that in my city the USPS is down a route; they are starting deliveries at 6:00 AM; my dude won’t be finished by 9:00 PM tonight and doesn’t know how they are going to get done; they have 7 or 8 more skids to throw; and it’s “crazy.” He also thinks his boss is “brilliant” but I won’t go there. 😉
Actually, I’m grateful to live in a nice neighborhood and thankful for wonderful neighbors. I’m even happy the backyarder’s have a dog because I’m a fan of all hounds. Although the morning conversation woke me on a day I could’ve slept in, it netted some gossip so all wasn’t lost there either.
The only thing left to do is either buy a kick-plate for my fence or keep searching for a home in the country. I think I’ll do both.
How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-94.1 (up); Jackson Co – 107.2 (up lots); Florida 38.0 (up); Nevada – 74.7 (way up)
I’ll betcha the numbers go even higher after all the COVID Turkey parties. This is part of a post on Facebook made by a proud Dad…

Herein lies two huge problems….
- The daughter worked in a nursing home while she had COVID, and now she’s going to take care of those she potentially infected (if you’re sick stay home)
- There are people that share personal information on Facebook when they should keep details to themselves
TIL (Today I Learned):Â COVID-19 spread when 5 million people left Wuhan for Chinese New Year, yet 50 million Americans still traveled for Thanksgiving per MSN.com.