I’ve mentioned before that I still love playing online games. I’m not talking Candy Crush here, you guys! Currently, my game of choice is Heroes of the Storm… a multiplayer online battle arena (a MOBA game).
I don’t talk to others in game often, and I NEVER join the voice chat during game. But as I was playing the other night, I made a really poor move that caused my death. I apologized to the team and explained that my dog jumped on the keyboard at the most inopportune time.
“What kind of dog?” someone asked.
“A lab,” I answered.
I laughed out loud. A breed of dog is an indication of one’s skin color? I had no clue!

Still, I’m willing to bet my love of labs didn’t tell my fellow teammate everything about me! He or she might’ve nailed it on the skin color, but I’d bet $100 bucks they’d never guess their teammate — currently playing the hero, Gazlowe, and smokin’ them all on number of kills, lowest number of deaths, and highest siege damage overall — was some old grandma.

So bring your dog (no matter the breed), and your skin color (no matter what it is), and your age (young or old)… and even your political views (no one cares) and play the game. It’s just strategy and skill and depending upon your teammates — and there’s no chance of COVID transmissions.
See you in the NEXUS! 🙂
Fun facts… 10 years ago today it was 9 degrees in Crothersville. 7 years ago today in Seymour, we had 2 inches of snow on the ground. Last year on this day, Katie and I did our annual shopping trip to Wal-mart and survived.

How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-90.9 (up); Jackson Co – 147.0 (up again) — 6.31% infected (up); Florida 40.0 (down); Nevada – 72.5 (down)