i went against Facebook Community standards and lived to tell about it

Dec 10, 2020

Facebook has gone off the deep end with censorship. It’s been said that it’s the arm of the Democratic party. Twitter even blocked sharing of a New York Post article about the Biden’s foreign corruption & China dealings. Just weeks before the election, tech giants united and it’s said they blocked incriminating reporting about their preferred candidate.

I know that I’m ALWAYS served up election disclaimers on Facebook… even now. Almost every conservative political post is tagged with, “Election officials follow strict rules and have found no evidence of widespread fraud.The rest of the look like this:

facebook post

But the post below, written by a co-owner of a speaker bureau (yes, really), was not flagged at all. Take a minute to read it. All of it! Facebook thinks it’s a-ok. Do you?

post on facebook not flagged

On Tuesday I shared a short video by Larry Winget on Facebook. Larry is a NYT bestselling author, Hall of Fame Speaker, and frequent Fox News contributor. He and my favorite brother are friends. Facebook flagged my shared post and prevented anyone from seeing it:

Larry Winget video disallowed on Facebook

Want to see the offensive video that went against the Facebook community standards because they prevent false advertising, fraud and security breaches? I thought it was about showing respect for and being nice to one another — how dumb of me, says Facebook. Here it is…

Was I happy to see the headline, “Facebook must be broken up, the US government says in a groundbreaking lawsuit“? Why yes, yes I was.

If you truly believe the post written by a business woman was not offensive but the video share of Larry was, I would suggest there’s a problem. Maybe the problem is me… maybe it’s you. Either way, I was Facebook flagged and lived to tell about it!

the puppies and me

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that new rules might be coming for Indiana because of the spike in COVID cases. Well, Holcomb said we were “on fire” and next week hospitals are not allowed to do non-emergency procedures. That’s it.

How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-102.6 (same); Jackson Co – 149.2 (down slightly) — 6.8% infected (up – does that mean people are sicker longer?); Florida 43.6 (down); Nevada – 83.2 (.1 down)

TIL (today I learned): Edgar Allen Poe died mysteriously after having been missing for six days. Though still alive when he was finally found, he was wearing someone else’s cheap clothes and not coherent enough to tell where he’d been. He had disappeared en route to his own wedding. Read about the riddle of his death…