new set of rules incoming for Hoosiers?

Dec 9, 2020

WASHINGTON — The latest report from the White House Coronavirus Task Force said Indiana must increase mitigation efforts to combat the ongoing surge in COVID-19 cases. (Read the article here..)

Masking, distancing, hand washing, no indoor gatherings of anyone outside of immediate households, and aggressive testing are all listed as what Indiana SHOULD be doing. But we’re not. Considering it’s COLD, we aren’t going to be having cookout or picnics — not much to do outside in the winter in Indiana.

It’s going to be interesting to see if the Governor of Indiana pays attention to this and rolls us back a notch. It will be interesting to see what the Seymour Mayor does. I want to know what the Jackson County Health Department’s response is too! Because as bad as Indiana is… Jackson County is MUCH worse.

On the upside, local hospital employees will begin COVID vaccines next week. They’ll be getting the Moderna vaccine and not the Pfizer one because of storage requirements. But on the the downside, the Jackson County Public Health Officer said regular people would likely not have a vaccine available until AT LEAST the end of the 1st quarter of 2021.

And on the upside, at least I have some presents wrapped and under the tree…

presents wrapped and under the tree

Figure it up — we’re looking at summer before the average ole’ general public is vaccinated and has some immunity built up. That’s if there’s no shortage and it goes as planned. I’m thinking I need to get the peskies in a nursing home ASAP! Otherwise, they’ll likely lose their ever lovin’ minds before they’re able to get a shot.

How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-102.6 (same); Jackson Co – 157.3 (up again) — 6.7% infected (up); Florida 44.2 (up); Nevada – 83.3 (up)

TIL (today I learned): General Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in 1947 as part of his standard USAAF $283/month Captain’s salary. He died on 12/7/20 and was the man for whom the term “The Right Stuff” was originally created. This West Virginia hero had eyesight better than 20/20 and he served as a fighter jet pilot in 3 wars.

My favorite brother, SIL, Gen. Yeager and his wife
(My favorite brother, SIL, Gen. Yeager and his wife)