My favorite brother is shipping me an iPhone. It can’t get here quick enough! If not delivered soon, I’ll be known as the guru of horrific quality photos. It’s never a good idea to share bad photos, but I can’t help it since it’s all I have.
We did a practice Facetime call to make sure we would be able to connect for the opening of Christmas presents. I took a screenshot.

Carl had just told me my hair (in a ponytail) looked like a rooster’s tail, Perry’s eyes are so bagged and half closed he wouldn’t have known the difference, and Carl is there thinking he’s all funny. Mom appears to be clucking! Y’all have no idea what I have to endure.
We open gifts tonight and since Merida is such a terror no one can stand to be around her, she will spend the holiday in her cage. I did let the puppies have their stockings early as evidenced by yet another really bad photo…

Tomorrow, I’ll probably share more really bad photos — and that’s never a good idea.
How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily NEW COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-82.7 (up); Jackson Co – 94.3 (up) — 7.97% infected (up); Florida 50.5 (slightly down); Nevada – 66.3 (down)
As I type this at almost 3:00 AM ET with a healthy case of the ‘big eye,’ I’m reminded of an article I read yesterday about the link between COVID-19 and sleep. Basically, melatonin plays a part in calibrating the immune system. It acts as a moderator to help keep our self-protective responses from going haywire — and that’s what happens to be the problem that can quickly turn a mild case of COVID into a life-threatening one. I’m headed to bed right now! But first…
TIL (today I learned): “Number 16,” is the oldest known spider. She was a wild trapdoor spider studied by researchers from 1973 until 2016 when her burrow was found damaged and empty. She was 43 years old.