Happy Christmas Eve from rainy Indiana

Dec 24, 2020

I’m writing this just after midnight so it’s technically Christmas Eve. Our presents have already been opened so I’m basking in the memories of the past couple days. Like… my Walmart grocery order being delivered just in time. And then, receiving an email and wondering if I was supposed to rate my driver on his/her photography skills .

And… like Colette making waffles shaped like snowflakes while pretending she was the owner of chic restaurant named ‘Coco’s Wafflebutter Waffles.’ She ate the first one to make sure it wasn’t poison.

Coco's waffles

And even the little round table ready for our small group of four to eat our traditional bowl of Christmas Eve chili before opening gifts is a good memory. When you celebrate a holiday in the middle of a pandemic, it’s ok if you count every little thing as a win.

let's eat chili

If you’re celebrating tonight or even tomorrow on Christmas Day, please be safe and especially mindful of others. COVID is still out there, yanno. The worst thing ever would to make those you love sick.

And finally, while it is a balmy 52 degrees right now (ok, not really balmy — but warm for Christmastime in Indiana), a cold front is moving in here throughout the day. Rain mixing to snow showers with wind chills in the downright frigid zone is what we’re looking forward to. Who is hoping for snow? THIS GIRL RIGHT HERE! Gimme a white Christmas!

TIL (today I learned): The first American soldier to land on the beach during the invasion of Normandy was shot twice and not only survived, but lived to be 90 years old. Read more about Max from Maryland here…