My son and I had a political debate last night by phone. While we didn’t agree with one another on some of the points… after much discussion we found out that we weren’t really all that far apart on many issues.
The back and forth — the COMMUNICATION — is how we figured that out. Our conversation wasn’t an attempt to change the mind of the other. That would never work! I’m always right and he’s pretty much just like me in that regard. 🙂
What I am suggesting is that if all you’re doing is spewing vitriol, you’re not going to change anyone’s mind that doesn’t already agree with you.
So why do it?
For example, here’s a sampling from Facebook:
“…To call out and to remove the most dangerous and visceral threat to our sovereignty: Donald Trump. A certified maniac. A cult leader who has poisoned the minds of many of our brothers and sisters. Where will you go? Straight to hell. And yes, I am talking to you, Ted Cruz and Kevin McCarthy. Good fucking riddance.“
Y’all think ole’ Ted and Kevin care or will even be made aware of this person’s opinion? You think even one person that doesn’t agree with the message will suddenly shout, “Wow! You know what? They SHOULD burn in Hell!”
How about this:
“Are you happy now, Republicans? Glad that the “patriots” are on “your” side? OUR legislators are HIDING AND COVERING (supposed to be cowering?) on the chamber floor because Donald fucking Trump is a god damned baby who can’t take no for an answer. If you voted for that piece of shit, this is on you. You enabled this. Shame on you…..unfriend me now because I don’t want you in my life.“
Seriously, you guys. If you voted for Trump 4-years ago you’ve got blood on your hands! YOU are responsible for those who died at the US Capitol. And just as important… this person only wants to be friends with people who voted for Hilary Clinton in 2016.
Sadly, neither Dharma nor Merida understand this crazy human talk. They weren’t even alive in 2016.

On a happier note, I get to sign up my sweet mamma for her COVID-19 vaccine tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. Tomorrow morning will probably be the only time in my life I’ll wish I was over 80 years-old. They’re offered at our county health department (new), so it should be an easy trip for all those in the “oldies but goodies” category.
TIL (Today I Learned): Johnny Cash’s brother, Jack, died when he was 14 after getting mangled by a table saw after cutting wood. Johnny, who admired his brother a lot, was heartbroken. According to his sister, Johnny helped dig Jack’s grave.