I still have time because I’m not yet 80

Jan 11, 2021

I read an article today about 8 people over 80 that accomplished some pretty amazing and inspiring feats. In light of the situation the event business is in with COVID-19, I find myself contemplating my future. I found some inspiration in the following three ladies…

I thought first about Iris Apfil, who at 95 is quite the style icon. That thought passed quickly because not only does she look better than I do now, I’d get laughed right outta’ town if I wore bright red lipstick and huge beads. Not to mention if I let my hair go gray and cut it super short. The glasses? Hey now! I could DO the glasses! 😉

I could do the glasses!

Next, I considered fashioning my future after Chhavi Sachdev. At 101 years-old, she’s a world champ runner. Her “baby” is 81 years -old. Chhavi goes to the track every day for at least an hour of sprinting practice. Pretty awesome, but I’m too lazy for that. I can’t even go for a walk with Katie without yawning!

The one of eight that resonated with me most was the story of Nola Ochs. She received an associates degree in 1988 and earned a college diploma in 2007. She was born in 1911 (the same year as my Grandmother). Yes, she was 96 as she walked across that stage. But that’s not all… at aged 98, she received her Master of Liberal Studies degree.

Even Nola had decades on me before receiving her Masters, so I figure I’ve got a while yet to contemplate what I want to be when I grow up.

TIL (Today I Learned): Abraham Lincoln’s horse, Old Bob, was given a place of honor in Lincoln’s funeral procession… directly behind his son, Robert. Check out Old Bob…