it’s only Tuesday and I’m ready to retire

Jan 26, 2021

Last week was rough but this week is worse. Not throwing my favorite brother under the bus (ok, maybe I am), but he is a procrastinator. The worst I’ve ever worked with or known. He completes tasks at the very last possible second, and then passes it on to Ben and/or I for clean-up and completion. The problem is… that means projects could’ve been better had we been given ample time to do them.

At least I took time for dinner after Perry tested his Blackstone Grill expertise again. Bacon wrapped filets top the McDonalds we ate last night.

steak and sides

So yes, retirement looks pretty darned appealing. It would be automatic if I hit the lottery tomorrow night. If I win, it has to be BIG so I can keep my brother’s head above water when I start to sing, “Take this job and shove it…. I ain’t workin’ here no more.” If that doesn’t happen, I can still dream and contemplate options. And I have the perfect spot to do just that!

view from my couch

Rainy and cold out — a wintery mix in the making — and my view from the couch isn’t half bad. But if I retire soon, I’d have to downsize or stay home even after the Rona has disappeared. What if I don’t have a fireplace? 🙁

It could be worse, I know. I’m grateful to be healthy and working. And I shouldn’t complain about my brother. At least he’s not yet pulled a Buzz Aldrin! I’d probably choke him for less…

TIL (Today I Learned): After landing on the moon during Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin accidentally damaged the circuit breaker that would arm the ascent engine that would get them off the moon. The astronauts activated the engine by triggering the circuit with a felt-tipped pen. Read more about Apollo #11…