It’s after midnight so it’s technically Wednesday. First, happy birthday in heaven, Nanny! She was truly a gem and I sure do miss her.

And next, lemme tell you what is in store for me today! My favorite brother is hosting a 5-hour course on ‘Distinctive Storytelling.’ Essential in business, it forges a connection with your customers, prospects, colleagues, and more. There are a good number signed up to attend and that’s where it gets interesting.
You see, I know one of the attendees from another ongoing program, and I know yet another one of them personally. I know others too… but my focus will be on the interaction between those two women in particular.
Imagine the setting… virtual event with everyone on camera. Scott will have a session and then will utilize ‘hot seats’ and ‘group shares.’ In other words, people will be divided into groups to work on their own distinctive story — and will practice telling it to their group and allowing the group to critique for improvement.
Now picture one of the attendees is the author of a bestselling book with the title containing the word “Orgasm” — and one is a health and relationship coach for only “Godly women.”
You, too can have a ringside seat for only $297.00. And, you might even learn a thing or two.
Go to to sign-up, and remember, registration closes at NOON EASTERN.