I do the blog posts for our business. I try to do one per week and keep a month ahead. This round, one of the posts referenced the Crothersville School and one referenced Dad. I figured the “Dad” one would be easiest so I opened the photo app on my PC and clicked “people.”
Now before I go on, let me tell you that the Apple photo app recognizes people. It will know you if you change your glasses and it doesn’t pick random background people from photos. Another reason for me to hate my PC. Clicking on people on my piece of crap PC… here’s the top portion of what was displayed:
So I have multiple options for Colette, Me, Ben, Perry, and Carl. And that’s just the ones that have over 100 photos tagged. It gets better when you get near the bottom…
So next, I need a photo of our school without stealing blatantly from any source. I think about all the photos my good friend, Alisa, has been posting from yearbooks on Facebook and decide to go that route myself. Can I just say I’m happy I didn’t wear the same outfit I had on in my 8th grade class officer photo for my Senior year class officer photo?

RIGHT PHOTO: Senior class officers — from bottom — Dennis, Mike, ME, Barb & sponsors
Holy cow! And we think today’s outfits are revealing? I lived with my Nanny then. I can’t believe she let me wear that skirt to school much less MADE it for me! I remember… it was a bright aqua with white dogs on it. And that wide white belt was stylin’, you guys. 😉
After finding those jewels, I forgot all about one of the high school. Back down the rabbit hole I went only with a purpose. I found one that worked but wasn’t great.
Snow back in the forecast for tonight. I sure hope I have some winter wonderland photos to share tomorrow.