i’m nothing but a youngster!

Feb 2, 2021

Indiana again lowered the age to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Anyone 65 years plus can now make an appointment. I’m hoping they don’t decide to vaccinate essential workers of any age before lowering the mark, but admit I wouldn’t be upset if they should decide to do that. Even though I would love to make an appointment right this second, I don’t want to step in line before someone needing it more.

Our big snowstorm was a bust. Locally, school was cancelled but those I spoke with that were out and about early this morning said it was smooth sailing. So now I’m going to prove that I’m NOT a youngster by saying… “back in my day…”

I can remember riding a bus to school only to turn around and be driven home. That was the way to count the day and meet the state’s requirements.

Later, as I drove a bus myself, I can remember some pretty horrible country roads and still going to school. One time, I drove my entire route — picking up a grand total of 3 kids. I learned of the cancellation via the bus radio about a block away from school. I slipped and slid and got them home.

On slick roads, a school bus is like a greased yellow tin can. First, (and it may be different with the new buses), they don’t get warm. You have the driver heater cranked on high which is loud… and rowdy kids behind you excited for snowfall. They’re loud too. On my tin can, as snow melted the windshield wipers pushed the ice water down through the vent and right onto my shoe.

And if freezing and distracting noise wasn’t bad enough — one wrong tiny slide when kids are standing close to the road waiting on you and you could easily mow them down. Going slow because of so many stops, a 45-minute route can take 3-days. 😉

See all the snow on that bus? The reason Perry was shoveling it off the hood is because we had school that day on a 2-hour delay. Yes, seriously!

And, I sure wish the sky would dump that much again right in the middle of Seymour, Indiana tomorrow.

TIL (Today I Learned): Judge Judy earns $47 MILLION a year for taping ‘Judge Judy.’ In an interview she said that every 3 years she would present her salary request to the CBS TV Distribution President. Once, when he gave her a counter offer in an envelope, she refused to open it saying “This isn’t a negotiation.