i have a very bad case of revenge bedtime procrastination

Feb 3, 2021

I read an article today about this problem I have that psychologists have actually recognized. When I say that I read the article today, that means I read it after midnight and I’m still awake to tell you about it. Here are the symptoms…

It’s late (or early, in my case) and you’re exhausted. You worked late and barely had time for dinner after taking care of all the things that required your attention (primarily dogs, in my case). You go to bed and know you should sleep. But you’re not ready for rest!

You turn on the TV or browse your phone. It’s like grasping for a few more moments of positive emotion before going to sleep only to start the day over again.

This activity is called: bedtime revenge procrastination

It’s a habit where people with little control over their daytime life refuse to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during late night hours. Other than feeling like crap the next day, the prognosis is not grim!

Matter of fact, experts say it’s a quiet reminder from your unconscious that you really do like being alive. All you want is one more moment feeling awake, and happy, and free. Merida has a bad case of bedtime revenge procrastination too! Red eyes don’t lie…

Merida has a bad case of bedtime revenge procrastination.

Enough revenge for one day… I need to hibernate to get ready for the incoming cold front. Check this out, you guys:

negative wind chill is on it's way

TIL (Today I Learned): During the 2014 Groundhog Day festival, New York mayor Bill de Blasio dropped the Staten Island Zoo’s weather-predicting groundhog on its head, killing it — which was then covered up by zoo officials who claimed Staten Island Chuck had “died of natural causes.”