Crazy week is almost over and I used a song title for a post because my brain is blank. My sincere hope is that it will get stuck in your head.
Jimmy Buffett has always been a favorite of mine. Odd because my taste in music typically isn’t mild or close to country. Still, he’s got it goin’ on and he’s old, you guys. Now 74!! For some reason, I also don’t think about him having a wife. I picture him barefoot either on a sailboat having a margarita or recording with the Coral Reefer Band. His wife (2nd one) is 69 and they’ve been married for over 40 years.
I’m old too… just not THAT old yet. Old enough to get a COVID vaccine in Indiana, and I’m happy about that. Feeling normal so I’m guessing my “symptoms” were merely from lack of sleep. Something is sure working to bring down the numbers — check this out:
Does it look to you like we’re now about where we were in July of last year? Maybe a tad better even? I’m of the opinion it’s good enough to book my next Disney trip. This time, I’m going to sneak even more photos of my son taking selfies. I think I only captured around 20 last time. 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): Ring was on Shark Tank and walked away without a deal. Ring later sold to Amazon for $1 billion.