not gonna lie — Moderna #2 side effects

Apr 1, 2021

I try not to be a complainer about health issues. I realize there are more aches and pains as one grows older (like ME!) and am grateful I’m pretty darned healthy. Moderna vaccine #1 was easy peasy… not even enough pain at the injection site to mention. But that #2 shot has pretty much kicked me in the head.

I know this sounds crazy… but I couldn’t remember if I gave Dharma her pill due at 9:00 PM — something I do every single day of the world and have Alexa remind me to do. I went to bed at midnight, fell asleep around 1:00 — but by 3:00 AM a pounding headache woke me up. People… I’ve had about a total of 3 headaches in my LIFETIME. The throbbing pressure in the back of my head kept me awake for a few hours.

Looking at the stats from all the wearables I’m testing, I found throughout the night my respiration was elevated, my temperature was elevated, and my heart rate stayed above normal.

My arm is very sore this time — itchy and hurts to move. Still, that’s not a big deal. My headache is gone but my legs would prefer not to move. It’s not that I lack energy exactly… it’s like the nerves are not cooperating. I sent Perry a text this morning and he’s feeling rough after his first Pfizer vaccine — headache, jumpy stomach, chills and a sore throat. Jerilyn has a fever and is very fatigued.

COVID is no joke, you guys. But the vaccine… for some… isn’t a walk in the park either. The good news is that the symptoms are supposed to be short-lived. I’ll let you know.

Merida and Dharma have another challenge not COVID related…

neighbor dog causing problems