if you’re not in one you’re in the other

Jun 9, 2021

You should always have good shoes and a good bed. If you’re not in one, you’re in the other.

I’m happy with my Casper hybrid mattress after sleeping in it every night for around two months. When you choose a mattress, it’s not like you can test out one for a few days and another one next week. But shoes! They aren’t as expensive and you can have multiples — unlike mattresses.

I’ve mentioned before I walk every day on a treadmill and my back is not 100%, nor will it ever be. “Good shoes” for that purpose are important to me. I’ve got a gazillion five-hundred pair. From Asics to Under Armor to New Balance… I’ve tried most all the popular brands.

Now I’m trying the Atom by Kuru Footwear and Mach 4 by Hoka One One (pronounced O-nay) because experts talk about how shoes are instrumental in spine alignment, etc. The Atom feels like a normal shoe with good arch and heel support — and the Mach 4 has more cushion and a rocking platform sole. You know what? I’m pretty sure my back would still be my pathetic back if I walked in combat boots.

So before I head to the treadmill, I want to shout out the app that everyone seems to be giving a whirl on Facebook. It’s called Voila AI Artist and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. It’s not unlike all the other AI apps, it’s just what’s currently caught on in social media.

I look like two totally different people — both with exaggerated weird eyes and teeth that I would LOVE to have. It distorts reality and that’s likely why it’s popular with Facebook users. Playing around with AI to see the result of aging or the effects of brush strokes on an image, etc. is fun… I guess turning a photo into a caricature or an 18th century portrait was too. For about 2 minutes, anyway. 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): We’ve always heard that Kool Aid was the main ingredient used at the Jonestown Massacre, and “drink the Kool Aid” is the infamous saying associated with the tragedy. Investigators actually found boxes of grape Flavor Aid, a generic version of the drink… not Kool Aid after all.