generations celebrations

Jun 19, 2021

Today was my Mamma’s birthday. She prefers her age not be mentioned, so I’ll only say she’s practiced 49 more than a dozen times. Colette said she looks 60 something and I was afraid to ask her how old she thought I was.

Mom had a big birthday today!

Ben and I — along with Colette — had an argument over photos. Colette thinks being extremely serious or making faces in photos is funny. I agree… it is! But it’s also nice to have ONE GOOD PHOTO. Just one where everyone looks happy and normal.

Ben raised the argument that making faces shows one’s personality — and brought up how in old photos everyone was serious and in today’s times we think they look awful. Colette said we shouldn’t blame her because her Dad raised her that way. Heck… maybe I raised him that way too. 😉

My normal family?

And maybe… a little bit of my Mom is carrying through the generations?

Mom taught me.

Happy birthday, Mom — hope you have a whole bunch more! ❤️