am i surprised by EVERYTHING?

Jul 11, 2021

I’ve just experienced a weekend that didn’t feel like a weekend at all. Mr. Pesky had his surgery on Friday. The hospital is located near 86th Street in Indy which is about an hour and a half drive for me since I-65 is closed at one point. Todd took Carl in leaving before daylight and I drove there alone EARLY Friday morning. And then we waited…

at the hospital waiting

I look surprised (again — what’s up with that?) but everything went as expected. Surgery was successful but an overnight stay was required.

post-op rest

I had my back surgery August 2014… about 7 years ago now. I was sent home with a ton of pain killers and no questions were asked when the prescription was filled. I stopped at the Wal-mart pharmacy to get Carl’s filled and was amazed at how things have changed. They wanted the physician’s voice approval because the dosage was high. Since it was weekend, that meant he would have to wait until Monday.

I finally talked the pharmacist into giving it to me but she nearly forced me to take home Narcan along with it. “It’s free,” she said. I would bet $1M dollars that Mr. Pesky will not overdose on pain killers. Have incidents of addiction become that much more widespread in 7 years? Wow.

I’ll be chauffeur for at least the next 2-weeks. It’s a good thing I don’t work a 9-5 job… this taking care of Peskies is hard enough with two puppies and a house/yard to maintain. 🙂