red is no longer my favorite color and i’ll bet you know why

Aug 10, 2021

Hospitalizations for COVID are on the rise around here. They’re probably on the rise where you are too. I look at the data and often share it here, but I’ve said before I don’t believe it’s not manipulated somewhat… somewhere along the line. Still, if you’re not at least using it as an indicator of where we’re going (a simple up or down) you’re either in denial or hiding from reality.

hiding from reality

I trust the information I get from real people that I know personally. One of my best friends is mother to an MD and Medical Director of a hospital, mother-in-law to an MD and Pediatrics Specialist, and mother to a Nurse Practitioner. When she shares their experiences I have no doubt that’s accurate information I can process reliably.

Like the tri-athlete who told her son he’d been thinking about getting vaccinated and asked if it was too late as he was being put on a vent. And that five babies are currently hospitalized (a first for their hospital since the pandemic began) while their mothers are critical on a different floor. That’s real, you guys. Our City Hall is closed this week due to a positive test and desire to stop the spread.

US Covid Risk Levels

Severity of COVID where RED is BAD. Risk levels based on new cases in Florida is 185.9. Nevada is 35.5 and Indiana is 25.8. Jackson County where I am is 21.0 and still currently orange. It’s all pretty depressing, isn’t it? Red is no longer my favorite color.

The dude that was put on a vent mentioned above survived and is now off the ventilator. However, he will undergo at least 6-months of rehab and will likely never compete in triathlons again because of lung damage.

TIL (Today I Learned): The smallpox vaccine was the first vaccine to be developed against a contagious disease. In 1796, the British doctor, Edward Jenner, demonstrated that an infection with the relatively mild cowpox virus offered immunity against the deadly smallpox virus.