I hit a lot of firsts yesterday…

Aug 12, 2021

Yesterday was the first time I’ve seen my brother since the onset of the pandemic. The Peskies, Scott, his wife Tammy, and I met at Cracker Barrel. Yesterday was the first time I’ve eaten at Cracker Barrel since the onset of the pandemic. Thanks for dinner, Carl! 🙂

Yesterday was also the first time I’ve ever repaired a floor. As a puppy, Merida chewed a hole down to the subflooring. Yes, seriously. I tried filling it with wood putty and stained it. It looked awful… maybe even worse than before I did that. And then she dug that out too and I did nothing for a year. Until yesterday. I’m still patting myself on the back.

flooring repair

Yesterday was the first day I haven’t eaten a tomato in weeks. Curious what vitamins I missed, I did a search and found a few things I didn’t know. Like… tomatoes contain all 3 high-powered antioxidants, are loaded with lycopene that protects our cells from damage, are a good source of potassium and help with blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

The bad news is they are also packed with an alkaloid that can result in swelling and pain in the joints. People with arthritis should avoid eating them. (Uh oh.)

TIL (Today I Learned): Montpelier, Vermont is the only state capital in the US without a McDonald’s.

And as the last first… here’s one more: The last French soldier to die in WW1 was killed 15 minutes before the ceasefire. He was delivering a message to his unit that soup would be served for lunch.

Here’s to many more ‘firsts!’