What about BeSmart?

Sep 24, 2021

I placed an order for Color Street nail strips because my friend, Alisa, was co-hosting an online party. I’ve never used them before and am excited to try them. My package arrived today. Notice the trademarked hashtag verbiage? Colorful… Brilliant… but not SMART.

Smart is important and it’s in short supply on the Internet, you guys. I mentioned yesterday that it’s my opinion you can’t trust the Laundrie parents because they don’t own dogs (referencing the homicide death of Gabby Petito). Of course, I was joking (sort of). I have to tell you, following this manhunt via social media has opened my eyes to the total ignorance of the majority of social media posters. Good grief!

Following primarily on Twitter and Reddit, I notice Reddit users either refrain from posting as much stupid stuff or the mods remove those posts. The majority of really dumb comments I’ve seen are on Twitter. For example…

A post was made by what appeared to be a TV news station. It said Brian Laundrie was found dead — hanged back in Wyoming. Twitter users went wild retweeting and tagging other reputable and well-known news media personalities. If instead, they would’ve taken 3-seconds to do a quick search before blasting it out there, they would’ve found out this “TV news station” was 2-days old and the only other tweet they’d made was an ‘AIDS survey.’ 🙄

I would retire right now if I had one nickel for every tweet that says something like, “The FBI needs to get the bank statements. That way, they’ll know if Brian bought a burner phone from Wal-mart.” Don’t you hope the FBI has seen those tweets so they know how to proceed? BeSmart!!

Dude better not come to southern Indiana! The surveillance detail here is strong.

puppy surveillance detail

Their motto? Why… BeSMART! Of course.