i just want it all

Oct 15, 2021

I’m still struggling with my love for Apple products versus what I get from other tech available. The Apple watch marries you to an iPhone. The iPhone plays nicer with an Apple computer, as it should, of course. But besides a working phone, its camera is the next most important thing to me.

I’m not a huge user of apps on a phone. I pay for my Starbucks with an app and use Google maps, but neither of those are exclusive to iPhone. I have an Apple credit card in my wallet and that $400+ phone/watch on my arm that I mentioned above. Those are the two things that require I use an iPhone – that’s it. I love the iPhone is easy to use and when I sport an Android, I miss the Apple product. I do!

The Android sound is better when talking on the phone and the all-important camera is — hate to admit it — BETTER! Ben and I have argued that point for a long time… me supporting the iPhone even when I doubted its superiority. Our latest debate began when he took a photo of me yesterday in my office with his Note 10+.

For a phone, that’s pretty good, right? Still I argued that my iPhone Pro Plus could do just as good and maybe even better. So we stood in the exact same spot, at the exact same time, with the exact same light, and took a photo of the exact same subject. No edits other than shrinking the photos to create a side-by-side to share here:

photo comparisons

I’m ashamed to admit that the photo on the left was taken by my iPhone.

So now what?

If the Android sounds better when using it for calls and the camera is better… the two things I say matter most… why have I not swapped the Sim card to my Note10+ that’s sleeping in a drawer? Honestly, I dunno. Maybe it’s because I’m not as familiar with the Android operating system?

For example, I hate the split work/personal stuff and don’t know how to “fix” it. And I like iMessages — even though I can do roughly the same thing with my PC and Android phone. I like Facetime because of the Peskies… getting them to use Duo is painful when it’s close to the top of their tech level to just do Facetime. And finally, there’s just that little niggle that simply won’t let me turn loose of my iPhone — oh, and that watch that will alert family and 911 if I’ve fallen and can’t get up.

I just want it all! Why can’t iPhone put out the best camera on the planet and speakers and reception that smash everything else out there? WHY would they let an Android’s photos be superior to their flagship phone? ARG! 🙁

TIL (Today I Learned): The watch made its migration from the pocket to the wrist during World War I. Soldiers were obligated to attach them to their arms for coordinated attacks, instead of fumbling in their pockets. Before then, the “bracelet watch” had mostly been regarded as a joke and a “silly-ass fad”.