My Oura ring let me know I slept 3 hours and 16 minutes on Thursday night. Here I am, typing about what’s on my mind on what is technically Saturday morning. It’s still Friday night for me because I haven’t gone to bed yet. Maybe wine would help.
There’s a “thing” going around on Facebook called the 10-year challenge. People are posting photos of themselves from 10-years ago side-by-side with a current photo. A few looked better actually, a few have aged poorly, and most simply look 10-years older.
I have one that I won’t post on Facebook that I’ll share here. Ben HATES it when I post photos of him on social media. This one would get me in BIG trouble…

Not the best for comparison in my side-by-side with Perry, but looking at it makes me think these last 10-years have been rough ones.
And finally, this wouldn’t be complete without the Peskies… they’ve changed less than any of us — other than they both need to stop cutting their bangs so short. 😉
TIL (Today I Learned): Men and women see colors and motion differently. Objects that appear orange to women look yellowish to men, and objects that appear green to women look blue-green to men.