limited subjects – limited creativity

Jan 15, 2022

I pulled out my old DSLR Canon to take a couple photos to share with this post because I wanted to talk a little bit about Instagram. But I have this big problem — 2 problems actually — neither Dharma nor Merida like to be photographed and they are my only available subjects.

Even sitting like a lump, Merida could’ve at least opened both eyes. Right?

Merida is a bad photography subject

They say to use treats to coax great shots of your pets, but my two are so food obsessed that only gets me trampled. And once they get the treat, they’re done — leaving me with another crappy photo.

Et tu, Dharma?

Dharma eats her treat

For the record, I share VERY LITTLE on social media. When I say very little… I mean my Instagram account has 233 followers and I’ve made a grand total of 3 posts — and those were all in July 2011. 🙂 I do share on the business account and thought I’d pass just a couple tips to you — in case you’re active on Instagram.

2 Instagram Tips:

  1. Images and reels should be interesting, inspiring, timely, humorous, or compelling. Content that gets the highest engagement are (the order is different according to the experts but all include): quotes, food, human faces, landscapes/scenery, and animals.
  2. Instagram has an image size ratio requirement so photos look good on a phone — and if you don’t resize your photos before uploading, they may look distorted when viewed by others.
    1. Landscape ratio should be 1.9:1 (like both of the above photos), and portrait ratio should be 4:5 — both of them have a width requirement of 1020 pixels.

My Instagram photo for the day that I’m not going to share on Instagram (even though it checks a whole lot of those boxes):

no diet for me

TIL (Today I Learned): According to Wikipedia, the most-liked post on Instagram is a photo of an egg, which has been liked by over 54.3 million different accounts. 💀