still a raving fan after 30+ years

Jan 16, 2022

Perry has been a Bengals fan ever since I’ve known him. He claims even before that he cheered for the losing team and remained loyal although frustrated. After last night’s game, he’s on cloud nine — and admittedly stunned.

The Bengals 31-year drought without a postseason win is over! They beat the Raiders — leaving the Detroit Lions to hold the title of the NFL team that’s gone the longest without a playoff win.

In other history-making news, we had a HUGE snow. Ok… so we had a few little flakes. I’m still cheering for Mother Nature to pull a big one out for me.

Snow – around 25 flakes total

a little snow

While not much, it was still enough to have Dharma wanting in and out at least 200 times throughout the day. She stands by my desk and grunts… while staring… until I give in.

Dharma is a pest to go outside in the snow

No other great weather incoming and what we had yesterday is totally gone today. It was only a dusting anyway… Mom thought it was just a hard frost in the Ville.

dusting of snow on dead flowers

Recipe with no name

I found a recipe I’m going to try tomorrow:

1 small can pineapple tidbits with juice, half bag baby carrots, 1 onion, 6 potatoes, smoked sausage, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and a half stick of butter. Cut everything in chunks and cook in crockpot on low for 6-8 hours.

Sound good? You could play along at home and make it with me. Otherwise, I’ll let you know how it turns out — it sounds so easy I’m not sure even I can screw it up.