I mentioned about a week ago that Dharma developed this crazy fear of going out the backdoor. Even though it’s the only access to her “bathroom” and she’s done it for 5+ years, all of a sudden it became the scariest thing EVER.
To get from inside to the backyard there are TWO doors — one from the kitchen to the sunroom, and then the sunroom to outside. Currently, only the first door is the challenge.
Just to get Dharma outside required a huge undertaking. Because Merida is always a hot mess — a fat bundle of jumping, happy energy — she had to be removed from the equation. She’s too rough and tumble to be outside at the same time as Dharma so she goes first. She primarily uses her turn outside to slobber all over the glass wanting back in.
The current drill:
- Let Merida out and back in.
- Force Merida down the hall to be shut in a separate room.
- Get a leash and put it on Dharma.
- Walk out the backdoor with Dharma on a leash.
- Take leash off.
- Let Merida out of jail.
- Clean the glass.
But today, Dharma went out the door without my support! A little coaxing and a bit of hesitation… but she did it! Without a leash and without me going outside with her… or standing with the door open for an hour when it’s -45° outside. Merida was even in the audience and not barricaded in another room. Woot!
I’m celebrating the win!
This win doesn’t mean she’ll do the same thing next time she wants out. It doesn’t mean the struggle is over, but celebrating wins — even little ones — is important. It builds momentum! Small progress is still progress, you guys.
Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.
Louis L’Amour