My latest recipe creation wasn’t a total fail, but it wasn’t a glorious win either. Perry and I liked it and would eat it again at some point, but Ben and Coco weren’t fans. It was a baked alfredo dish that Ben said was bland. He went on to say he’s not a fan of baked pasta and why don’t I just stick to making the chicken fettuccini alfredo they love?

I sent leftovers home with the Peskies today so the verdict is still out.
Apple VS Everything Else
Did y’all see the Samsung announcement today of their new flagship phone, the Galaxy S22 Ultra? Oh man… I think I want one! The camera looks to be a huge upgrade.
I’m an Apple girl, BUT I’m a version behind on everything (except my AirPods) — even farther behind when it comes to my desktop and laptop. Apple prices are crazy high, you guys. To replace my desktop and laptop with similar specs (hard drive and ram) with the newest versions — and add a new phone and watch — I’d be at $10k.
Yes, ten thousand dollars.
I refuse to do it. Because the pandemic set me back, I didn’t keep up with those incremental upgrades. A new Samsung phone and watch (I already have a relatively new Windows desktop) would be around $600 bucks. While I love the Apple watch, it’s basically a brick without an iPhone.
Spending that kind of money makes about as much sense as the US Government purchasing COVID-19 test kits with tax payer dollars FROM CHINA to provide to its citizens.
Oh yes, they did. 🙄
TIL (Today I Learned): You’re supposed to hold a wine glass by the stem so your body heat doesn’t change the temperature and flavor of the wine. (Same applies to beer, I’m certain of it.)