What’s most important to you in a phone?

Feb 11, 2022

Yesterday I talked about Samsung’s new phone and its capabilities. Today, I’m thinking about what’s important to me as I contemplate a purchase. Buying a new mobile phone is no longer a small expenditure — they are crazy expensive.

For me…

  1. I want the phone to work — me able to hear others clearly and them hear me.
    1. The Android Note 10 I have as a spare is better than my iPhone.
    2. The speaker on the iPhone is garbage… I carry around two phones if I’m listening to an audiobook.
  2. I want a good camera.
    1. The Note 10 and iPhone 11 Pro Max are pretty equal. Android is better in low light, and the iPhone holds its own everywhere else.
  3. I want all my stuff to work together.
    1. Although Android plays nicer with more stuff, neither are 100% great in this regard.
    2. I like iCloud — not a huge fan of One Drive.
    3. Apple is easier… everything just works.

Switching from an iPhone to Android?

Ben did the switch to Android when we last purchased new phones and has never looked back. He wants the new Samsung phone more than he wanted that low-rider van in high school. (That he GOT, I might add.)

I purchased yet another iPhone during that shopping spree and Perry got the same phone as Ben. But ole’ Perry dumped the Note 10 Plus and went back to the iPhone after about a year.

At this point, I’m still debating on incremental Apple upgrades (starting with new phone/watch), or doing the big switcherooni. I can’t even believe I’m contemplating not owning Apple products! Guess I’m not the only one because iPhone unit sales have been declining steadily for 5 years. The number of iPhones Apple now sells is actually below 2014 numbers.

As I contemplate my options…

Currently, I’m trying to exclusively use the Android phone to see if I can do it . I’m in the middle of withdrawals right this second and the dogs are steering clear of me. 🙂

labs looking outside

TIL (Today I Learned): In the Brothers Grimm version of Cinderella, the step-sisters mutilate their own feet to fit into the glass slipper. When they ride off with the prince, two magic doves alert him to their bloody feet and they are discovered. Once Cinderella is Queen, she has the doves blind both sisters. 😯