can you imagine all the things you did 30 some years ago becoming public?

May 20, 2022

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve done some pretty dumb things in my life. I’ve never used drugs or even drank to excess, but I didn’t need those things to do stupid stuff. While some people know some of the dumb stuff — and other people know some of the other dumb stuff — I can’t imagine all of the dumb stuff becoming one big public dump.

That’s what’s happening with Johnny Depp.

While snippets of Amber Heard’s past have been made public — including drug use, sexual escapades and more — she simply hasn’t lived as long as JD. She’s not had as much time to screw up as he has. She’s not had crazy amounts of money to spend doing dumb stuff like he has.

Everyone has something (or a lot of somethings) they’ve done or things that have happened in their life that they wouldn’t want broadcasted in real-time to the world.

For example, today Ellen Barkin was on the stand to testify in the defamation trial. She clarified she had a sexual relationship with JD. So the now almost 70 year-old actress was called to testify about a 1994 love affair and a bottle Depp threw (not at her) when he was in his 20’s. Even if true… how relevant is that?

Johnny’s sitting there still looking fine, and she’s all white hair with granny glasses talking about having sex with him. I’d be willing to bet he would’ve rather been under the table as that testimony unfolded. (Men obviously age better than women.)

Depp and Barkin

Photos are forever.

So many photos coming into evidence — some obviously digitally manipulated. Others require quite a bit of imagination to interpret. To keep this in perspective, I have to wonder what story would be created to explain THIS photo if I’m ever in the middle of a defamation case:

TIL (Today I Learned): Johnny Depp’s 1st marriage was when he was 20 — to Lori Depp, a rebel artist. She still happily defends Johnny by saying he never even raised his voice to her and was a soft person who loved animals. (Take that, Ellen Barkin. 😉 )