another appointment and a BONUS selfie!

May 19, 2022

Went with Mom to another doctor’s appointment at the hospital today — and scheduled yet another for this upcoming Monday. We took our obligatory selfie outside before walking in… and before they jabbed a needle into the joint of her hand in an attempt to draw fluid. OUCH!

me and my Momma

BONUS selfie!

That ole’ Mr. Peskie went inside on this occasion and even had a thumb’s up for the camera.

bonus selfie

Weather chaos and my almost heart attack.

About the time I got home from Mom’s appointment, my weather radio began blaring. Thunderstorm watch with rain incoming. In an attempt to stay ahead of the growing grass, I headed outside like the house was on fire and began weedeating and mowing. Front yard finished, I headed to the back.

The cover to the Blackstone was on the ground and I figured Perry had forgotten to put it back on after the griddle cooled. Knowing rain was heading in, I picked it up in a rush to get the darned thing covered back up.

That’s when 3 or 4 little black snakes with white stripes slithered out… one right across my foot.

I about had a heart attack, but recovered in time to finish the yardwork before the rain. I lived and the grass has been mowed. Even with snakes, I’m having a better day than Johnny Depp or Amber Heard.

TIL (Today I Learned): Jimmy Carter’s longevity is actually an outlier in his family. His father, two sisters, and brother all died between the ages of 51-63; and all to same ailment: pancreatic cancer.