we have a doctor’s reprieve for 10 days

May 24, 2022

We got a fabulous report at the doctor’s office yesterday! The worst news was that Ms. Pesky isn’t supposed to drink her Boost every morning… at least for the next 10-days. She looks and acts like her old self again. Doesn’t she look great?

another doctor's office selfie

I saw something interesting today and simply had to sneak a photo. The face of the gentleman depicted in the photo below isn’t shown so he can’t be identified. Thing is… the only part of his face that would’ve been visible if the photo would’ve been shot straight on is his eyes behind glasses. Does this type of mask also offer protection against monkeypox? Asking for a friend. 😉

TIL (Today I Learned): Ted Kaczynski(the Unabomber) put his 8 life sentences as “awards of recognition” at his Harvard University 50 year reunion.