Jurors in the Depp VS Heard trial will deliberate starting this morning at 9:00 AM ET. That means, I may have a 2nd post today… I HOPE I have a 2nd post today.
This case is like CNN VS FOX… only those two are on the same side.
This case is an excellent example of how people in today’s times get their news and information. It’s also an excellent example of how totally different the views of the mainstream media are from social media journalists/content creators.
For example… there are several lawyers with youtube.com channels that slept on the sidewalk to attend this trial. They watched the jurors, reported their professional opinions, and gave their audience a personalized experience. Compare that to reading an article in XYZ publication or watching a clip on XYZ channel that was written or delivered by Mr. Harvey Poopoo that’s regurgitated information they’ve been fed by one PR team or the other.
Will jurors contemplate this?
Amber is on audio stating ‘she starts physical fights’. If those exact same words came out of Johnny Depp’s mouth, would it be perceived in the same way? Is it different when it’s said by a woman than when it’s said by a man?
The most tweeted hashtags in the US over the last 24-hours includes “#EveBarlowIsAJoke.” Eve Barlow is the close friend of Amber that was kicked out of the courtroom for texting/tweeting from the front row of the courtroom. She’s still blasting out tweets that are critical of everything/everyone pro Depp. The ACLU is taking hit after hit and it will be interesting to see what this trial does to their donations overall.
Depp has a strong case. He’s won in the public. But will he win in court?
Derrrr… over here we dunno…

TIL (Today I Learned): Pop Rocks, Tang, and Cool Whip were all invented by one person, Dr. William A. Mitchell.