Today’s workday was one stressful, fun-filled, way too many hours sort of day. It’s nearly midnight and I just closed out all my work related programs and tabs to enjoy a cup of coffee before sleep.
Allow me to give you a glimpse…
The morning started with a client request. To preface, we’re doing a rather large training program for a company that includes workbooks with facilitator guides and worksheets. While my favorite brother provides the content, I do all the graphic work, layout, etc. The request was that we adhere to their specific brand. I was provided 2 PDF files that included how many pixels the logo could be from the edge of a document and a color pallet.
Our program is only used INTERNALLY and this was the primary complaint:

One little number/letter off in the hex code was the primary issue that meant 100’s of pages needed to be modified. So that shot the first part of my day.
Next came an RFP (request for proposal).
I don’t typically do web work for anyone other than my “real” job anymore, but I had a call from a corporation that I’ve worked with for almost 20-years. How do you say no to that? Thing is, because the money is state/federal controlled, a bonified RFP has to be provided, approved by board members, and more. Just do it now and you’re done me thinks.
But by 4:00 PM I was still wearing PJs.
While doing the RFP, I got behind on “real” work. And because I have to have Ms. Pesky at a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning, I plowed through that stuff too. So here I am at almost midnight, and my puppies think I’ve forgotten them. Merida opened the drawer with treats and has been staring at me for the past 15-minutes.

For whomever thinks working from home is easy — they are sorely mistaken. Just ask Merida.
TIL (Today I Learned): Beyonce’s clothing line made to “support & inspire women” was made by women in sweat shops earning $6.10 per day.