Colette turned 12 today.
While I’m listing facts, I will also tell you that medium-sized birthday cakes are $20. TWENTY DOLLARS, you guys! Making it even worse is the fact that I arrived too late to have the traditional, “Happy birthday, Colette” written on it. So I bought a tube of icing and made it the ugliest cake ever.

Our birthday tradition is that the one celebrating chooses their favorite restaurant. We loaded up and headed north to Taku Japanese Steakhouse in Columbus. Ben and I were less than thrilled, but it was indeed Coco’s special day and she just happens to like the same exact thing Perry does.

For the record, when you’re 12, you order filet mignon in adult size for lunch like a boss. So… I did too. 😉

Besides really, REALLY good food, everyone seated at our hibachi table sang ‘happy birthday’ to Coco — even the family that didn’t speak English. Then our teppanyaki chef squirted lemon juice in her mouth. Of course, she thought that was the coolest thing ever — even better than the broccoli he launched at her that she missed at least 5 times.

Even the outside atmosphere in the 4th Street Commons, Parks & Recreation area is nice. Walking the brick roadway to the nearby coffee shop was fun — and I saw a Mexican place there that I’ve yet to try called Luciana’s Mexican Restaurant and Cantina. That’s on the list!!

We finished off the day back home with cake and ice-cream. The Peskies were invited. Mr. Pesky is camera shy… I ended up with him as background visuals only in one shot.

Ms. Pesky is feeling great again… and looked so pretty today!

Celebrating one more time tomorrow, and then it’s back to the doctor with Mom (another new doctor) on Monday morning.
Happy birthday, Colette — and happy weekend to you!
TIL (Today I Learned): Dr Seuss studied English at the University of Oxford, with a plan to eventually become a professor there. Instead, he dropped out when he realized drawing was his only passion and moved back to the US to become a cartoonist.