The Seymour house is online and live.
I want it to sell — the sooner the better — but when it does, I’ll officially be homeless. Sort of. The worst part of all of this is having dogs. It makes everything more difficult. Showing the house is difficult. Cleaning the house to show is difficult. Moving will be extremely difficult.
But I wouldn’t change a thing. I love my two crazy dogs and would be lost without them. Pretty sure they like me too. 🙂 We’re all pretty tired of this and it’s barely started.

My bro is sick now.
After COVID hit the fam, everyone is finally better and no longer quarantined. Now my favorite brother is really sick. But he’s testing negative on rapid tests and has an appointment this afternoon for a PCR test. No events for the short term. Yippee for great timing!
Working from the sunroom today and wishing for a different view…

Just think… this view COULD be YOURS. 😉
TIL (Today I Learned): A company in the 90’s made pencils with the anti-drug slogan, “Too Cool to Do Drugs” but had to recall them because, when sharpened, they read “Do Drugs.”