I’ve gained about 15 pounds over the past couple months. It started when I stopped walking and started a project that kept me in front of my computer for hours upon hours for weeks. It’s time to move that needle back the other way.
But I HATE subscriptions!
You may not agree, but it’s my opinion that Weight Watchers is a really good program. I’ve lost weight on it before, and I know I would again. But to join you must pay monthly.
I’d be fine if I could pay for 6-months with no obligation of automatically resubscribing. They have offers that sort of allow that, but I know how hard it is to unsubscribe. The worst part is the way WW punishes me hard for my coffee addiction. I LOVE my coffee exactly the way I love my coffee… two cups in the morning is 1/4 of my total point allotment.
If I would stop eating at midnight and get back on the treadmill grind I’d be just fine. But then, I only have ME to hold me accountable and not an app. Except for Merida… she holds me accountable for EVERYTHING — and loves me even when I’m dressed like some eccentric hag.

I don’t know anyone in Seymour that I could buddy up with on a weight loss journey. In Crothersville, I’d hook back up with Katie and we’d walk circles around that little town. Heck, I might even be able to talk Jerilyn and Alisa into joining us.
Buy my house and save me from a monthly subscription.
I went to the sunroom while Ben and Perry were eating the toils of my labor. I had company that wanted in there to eat just as badly as I did. 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): The only children to survive the Titanic without a parent were two brothers aged 2 and 4. Their father kidnapped them from his ex-wife and boarded the ship with a fake name. The father didn’t survive and for weeks the boys were known as the Titanic Orphans until their mother was found.